Tuesday, October 15th
St. Teresa of Avila
Jesus said to His Disciples, "I am the vine, you are the b ranches…. It is to the glory of the Father that you should bear much fruit and then you will be My Disciples"
John 15:5, 8

The life that is in the vine brings the enfruiting and the ripening of the vine. The fruit has no life in itself apart from the life of the whole vine, and the life of the whole vine is the gift of the Father to His beloved world. I am the life of the vine and with Our Holy Spirit the power for growth and for perfection.

The Father looks for fruit from the branches of the vine, for fruition is the point and purpose of all life. And all who draw their life from Me produce fruit in due season and give praise to the Father through their fruitful productiveness.

Cultivate your life-style to centre in me in all your undertakings. As all is offered to My guiding and empowering so will all fall into place. The flowering will come in due time, and the enfruiting. So it has been in the past and so it will be in the future. And so it is for all who walk in the way of Our leading. And the Father is glorified in the faithful discipleship of My Disciples and through My Indwelling.