Monday, October 28th
SS. Simon and Jude
As every structure is aligned to Him, all grow into one holy temple in the Lord and you too, in Him, are being built into a house where God lives in the spirit.
Ephesians 2:21-22
Jesus went out into the hills to pray, and spent the whole night in prayer.
Luke 6:12

As each of the Father's faithful ones make time and place for quietness and dialogue with Me, so do I prosper their discipleship. And I teach and train and tend each one according to the Father's loving purpose. Each one grows into his perfection according to the measure of his faithfulness and self-giving. For as I live in them and they in Me so do they reveal the Father's glory and His love for them and for their fellow men: and each becomes a polished jewel in the Temple of the Father's Kingdom. Such are Our saints and holy ones.

The Father's love has brought each child of man into existence, and each one whoever lived or ever will, the Father calls to be a jewel in His Temple. And I progress and perfect each one as I am entertained and welcomed at the heart's centre. Make time and opportunity each day for quiet contemplation of the Father's love, and knowledge of His will for you. So shall I bring you to the joy and glory of His Presence.