Thursday, May 9th
Ascension Day
Jesus came up to His Disciples and spoke to them. He said, "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations.... and know that I am with you always, yes, even to the end of time."
Matthew 28:18-20

Never doubt My Presence. Through My victorious life and death and resurrection I have destroyed all that separates earth from Heaven for all save those who choose the path of sin and denigration. I bring to all the Father's children life and love inherent in creation. Let all receive all that we yearn to give and let every child of the loving Heavenly Father discern My Presence and Our Spirit's light and power in everything they do in faith and love.

Our will and loving purpose is for the unity of all nations. We call each and all to unite in love and loving service to the needy of the world. There is plenty in the world for all the Father's children: let the hungry of the world be fed. Let love reign in the hearts and minds for all the hungry and the suffering.

Let Our love be known through loving action for those who are denied the Father's bounty through man's greed and selfishness. Boundless resources await those who feed and tend and make provision for the Father's suffering children. Let Our little ones be fed and tended. Let love unite humanity in loving action now.