May 17th
After they
had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter,
"Simon, son of John, do you love
Me more than the others? …..I
tell you most solemnly ……when
you grow old somebody else……will
take you where you would rather not
The love that I am, the love that
I teach and the love that I look
for in My faithful followers is
total, unswerving, and binding.
Such love is perfecting and fulfilling:
nothing less is possible for those
who lead Our children in the Father's
Kingdom. And I bestow it on all
who seek it at My hands.
And it will bring a total dependence
on the Father's loving will and
purpose: the desire to know His
will and do it faithfully as it
is shown. Where I was in My Incarnate
life, there shall My servant be:
the servant is not greater than
his master. My way was painful and
demanding and still I suffer in
My Father's world. All who are in
Me and seek the Father's will are
one with Me in faithfulness to that
which He would have accomplished.
The way for each is different and
distinct, the pattern of pain and
joy the Father's gift to each. And
I accompany each as he is faithful
to that which he is shown to be
and do and suffer, progressing and
perfecting to the end.