Wednesday, May 1st
Jesus said to His Disciples. "I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser … every branch that bears fruit He prunes to make it bear even more …. Make you home in Me as I make Mine in you…. I am the vine, you are the branches...... cut off from me you can do nothing. It is the glory of My Father that you should bear much fruit."
John 15:1-10

I am the Resurrection and the life and to all who come to Me and live in Me I give Myself. And as I am one with the Father, all who are in Me are in the Father also, and He in them. And that life which flows between the Father and Myself is Our loving Holy Spirit. Together We are bonded in the freedom of that love which flows between Us. All who are caught up in Us through My incarnate life and death are part of that great mystery and glorious consummation. This is the Father's loving purpose for the human race. As it is now so has it been since the beginning and will be 'till the end of time.

Our life must be desired and sought in all things, the Father's will and loving purpose: each of the Father's sons and daughters is challenged and confronted with the call to seek and find and follow. And as each seeks so will he find: he will be led and brought into the life and light which We alone can give, with power to fulfil all that the Father wills. It is the Father's glorious will and loving purpose that all who are in Us shall bear much fruit. So shall they be My glory too.