Thursday, May 23rd
When Jesus had called the Twelve together He gave them power to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to preach
the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick
Luke 9:1

I came on earth to bind up the broken-hearted, to heal the sick, to retrieve all those lost to the Father's love who sought a way of return. I broke the bonds of heath and sin and suffering, offering to the Father's beloved sons and daughters in every generation in all races and peoples My death and My life for their salvation and joy.

And each and every one of the Father's beloved children who are found of Our Love and respond in faith and trust and loving commitment must be Our Love and salvation to others as We show the way.

Some of Our faithful ones We appoint to make Our saving, healing love their life's commitment. Others We look to become Our love and healing as they come and go along life's way according to Our light and leading.

Let Our caring, healing love be in all your encounters with those you daily meet along life's way.