Wednesday, October 31st
Jesus said,
"Try your best to enter by the
narrow door, because I tell you, many
will try to enter and will not succeed
…. Yes, there are those last
now who will be first and those first
who will be last."
Every beloved child of the Father
born into the world has his own
unique identity, his peculiar contribution
to the life and work and experience
of the Father's Kingdom to which
he is challenged and for which he
is potentially endowed, and his
place in the Father's Presence.
None is dispensable, and none can
know the sadness of the Father's
heart when perversity prevails and
a soul is set on self-destruction.
Most fail often to set a straight
course to end in the Father's Kingdom,
but if the face is turned in the
way of His direction no matter what
the failures and setbacks, he will
obtain his full inheritance at last,
for My saving love and Our loving
Holy spirit will so work in him
and for him that all will be perfected
and fulfilled at the last.
And many who struggle and fall
often in the way are progressed
more surely than they know as they
receive the hand to set them of
the way again. Will not those whose
way was straight and well endowed
rejoice when even one whom they
thought reprobate arrives first
in the Father's glorious Presence?
The narrow door is self-giving
in love in the Father's loving will
and purpose.