October 3rd
Jesus said,
"Once the hand is laid on the
plough no one who looks back is fit
for the Kingdom of God."
The joy of the whole earth is the
birthright of everyman. And the
Father's will and good purpose is
that each should be ceaselessly
engaged in the well-being and welfare
of his fellow-men. But this is only
a part of the service and dedication
which the beloved child of the Father
is challenged and honoured to make.
For each and every one the world
over there is a pattern of life
and living to which each is individually
called. All are intrinsically involved
in the whole, though free to live
and work according to their desire
and purpose. And the whole is caught
up in one glorious expression of
praise and joy in the Presence of
the Father. Though veiled in time,
all will be revealed in eternity.
And each and every beloved child
of the Father is called and enabled
to participate in this cosmic expression
and experience as he grows into
redeemed, sanctified selfhood. I
am the light and the power to this
end. Not without pain and sorrow
and sadness is the going made. But
the end is assured for the true
of heart.
Let there be joy in the knowledge
and understanding of these things,
and faithfulness to the end.