Saturday October 20th
Jesus said to His disciples, "I tell you, if anyone openly declares himself for Me in the presence of men, the Son of Man will declare Himself
for him in the presence of God's angels."
Luke 12:8

Our loving Holy Spirit is the presence and the power of truth and of all wisdom. As by the power of My Indwelling I enable love to enter and radiate the human heart so does Our Holy Spirit infuse with the light of knowledge and the grace and power of truth and wisdom.

All that is needed for progress in the way of salvation is openness to that which will constantly and persistently present itself at the heart's centre as the self is emptied, and cleansed, and filled with Our saving, sanctifying love.

Every beloved child of the Father thus liberated and orientated becomes a part of the Father's loving purpose for the one and the many. Our truth and Our love are expressed through the witness, the action, and the very presence of the totally committed, for We are the truth and the love in them.