Thursday, March 29th
Jesus said,
"The work My Father has given
Me to carry out,
these same works of Mine testify that
the Father has sent Me. Besides,
the Father who sent Me bears witness
to Me Himself"
To become a pattern of human perfection
for all times and peoples, to offer
such teaching for living as will
lead to wholeness and service and
to become that sacrifice for sin
which is made necessary through
man's failure and perversity, such
is My work for the children of men.
This last was done once and for
all times: my sufferings and death
are effective for each and every
beloved child of the Father whoever
lived, as each accepts My saving
love. As each accepts his redemption
through My saving love so do I become
love in him according to the measure
of his self-giving. And so am I
enabled to build and to perfect,
in the process of time, both his
redeemed self and, through him,
that part of the Father's Kingdom
where he lives, works and witnesses.
But as his faithfulness increases
it is not he but I who live and
work and witness : his life is in
Me, cleansed and perfected not once
but many times , his wholeness increasing
as in Me he progresses in and through
the light and power of Our Holy
Such is the Father's loving will
and purpose for each and every one
of His beloved children, and to
this end I ceaselessly work in time
and eternity. All children of men
are at some stage in this way of
perfection, and through my saving
work, only the wilfully perverse
put themselves outside My saving
love. And the Father loves them
still. The Father and I are one,
ad my redeeming work bears witness
to His loving will and purpose for
each and every one.