Thursday, March 1st
Jesus said, "If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow Me"
Luke 9:22-25

The pathway to the Cross of My agony was crowded with those who sought to destroy that which challenged their unwillingness to change and be changed. And in every generation there are those who seek to destroy the light which reveals the dark places in their hearts and minds and lives. For the only alternative to progress in the Father's Kingdom is atrophy, hostility and death.

But the children of the Father who seek truth and perfection in their hearts and minds deny the demands of their natural self in all areas of their being, seeking that perfection which their loving Heavenly Father desires to give them through My saving love and the power of Our Holy Spirit.

And as each comes to discover his true self through the Father's love and the power of My Indwelling so will he receive such challenge to holiness as will complete his redeemed humanity. So as his humanity is perfected through My redeeming love and the sanctification of Our Holy Spirit, so will he be challenged to share in the work of redemption which is constantly progressing in the Father's Kingdom.

For as the salvation of each and every child of the Father was gained by the free offering of the Father's Son in suffering love, so must the completion of that offering be made through the identification of each one committed to the Son in daily self-giving.