Friday, March 23rd
Jesus said,
"I am the Good Shepherd…….I
have other sheep that are not of this
I must bring them also."
"All the sheep of the forest
are mine. So are the cattle upon
a thousand hills". So I spoke
to My servant the psalmist in the
days before My sojourn on earth.
And it Is even so until the end
of time and in the Father's Kingdom
of light and joy.
To this end have I lived and died
and risen again on the Father's
earth. And I call to My service
in the great task all who count
themselves My brothers and sisters.
All who love Me, follow Me, and
are in Me are part of this great
work. The end is joyful rejoicing
for ever in the Presence of the
Father with every single child of
the Father who desires it and who
align themselves with the glorious
purpose, however slight and feeble
the impulse to commitment and self-giving.
So rejoice with Me and in Me. Be
oned with me in all things as it
is offered you. Let My joy be in
you and your joy will be full. So
will the trials and tribulations
be but steps on the way to perfection
in and through My saving love.