Saturday, March 10th
My soul is athirst for God, yea, even for the living God
Psalm 42:2

The soul of everyman desires that which completes his humanity, and unless moribund or dead has unrealised longings until perfection is bestowed upon him in eternity. And his body has natural needs which enable his survival, growth and development. The one may militate against the other, and not invariably does in the life of each child of the Father. Progress is made in the right way of the Father's Kingdom as each desires His will and walks in faith and trust and loving commitment. Falls and failures in faithfulness serve to bind each more certainly to the source of His being so long as My Presence is sought in forgiveness and restoration.

And refreshment with comfort and renewal is given along the way through My living Presence within around and ahead. As each is refreshed, so does he desire more and more to be filled with that which he is filled: desire grows as it is satisfied, But each soul rightly orientated and committed will come at the end of time to its fulfilment as it is perfected in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love.