Monday, June 4th
God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, that everyone who has faith in Him may not die, but have eternal life
John 3:16

Love, which is the essence of the Godhead, is the promise and the reward of all who respond in faithful commitment. And the response is made possible by the initiative of love which is dormantly present in the mind and heart of every child of the Father whoever lived or ever will. To fan this into vibrant life is the especial work of Our loving Holy Spirit, to feed and fashion it I lived and died and rose again, indwell, and encourage through dialogue and deepening communion as I am invited and entertained.

The love of the Father in giving His Son to the world was not diminished in the giving, but the power of love is enhanced, enriched, multiplied in abundance by the reaction of loving commitment in every response of each child of the Father.

And the reward of faithful commitment in living and loving is eternal life both now and throughout eternity, in the glorious presence of the Father who is the totality of all that is, with all who have responded to His love in self-giving.