Sunday June 3rd
Jesus repeated, "Peace be with you!" and then said. "As the Father sent Me so I send you" He then breathed on them saying, "Receive the Holy Spirit"
John 20:23

The peace which I offer is the power of love and there is no greater in heaven or earth save the Father Himself. I am the power of love, the peace of the Father. And it is the Father's will and good purpose that every one who desires and seeks it should possess and be possessed by the love and the peace.

And as I came to earth to bring the peace which passes all knowledge and to be the love which transcends all power, so do I seek to become that peace and love between all individuals, peoples and races. To this end I bestow My Spirit, for, this purpose Our loving Holy Spirit seeks to dwell in the heart and mind prepared for Him and to become the living power and presence of every relationship.

So shall the Father's Kingdom be established and extended, consolidated, glorified and perfected in the lives of His beloved children and in the communities and nations of His world.