Saturday June 2nd
Jesus said, "You are to follow me."
John 21:19

Follow Me in the comings and goings of daily life, up the steep slopes and into the valleys. Follow Me to trace the wanderers and those who lose their path. Follow Me in the heat of the day and in the darkness of the night. And be assured My Presence is with you at all times.

In My Father's house are many resting places both in this world and the next; here too I am present and I minister to My beloved followers in the places of refreshment and strengthening. They are necessary to the well-being of each one and for the benefit of all.

Those who follow Me are beloved of My Father and live in Us as We in them. And as We are together in life temporal, so shall We be in life eternal. And ever-lasting joy and fulfilment will be theirs, and such rejoicing between the loved and loving.