June 22nd
Jesus said,
"Where your treasure is there
will you heart be also"
Let all things, all people, be
esteemed and loved according to
the Father's loving purpose and
in and through Our saving, sanctifying
love. There is danger in letting
the heart fashion its own life apart
from the will of the Father, and
pain in withdrawing from the consequences.
Make time and opportunity to centre
in depth with Me daily. Frequently
bring the heart and mind to the
Presence of the Father. And seek
the light and guidance of Our Loving
Holy Spirit in all things.
So will all be done according to
the Father's will and purpose both
in you, in those who He has given
you to love, and in His kingdom
around you.
Give yourself totally in love and
self-giving as I have given Myself
to the Father's world for which
I died and rose again and live now
to bring the Father's beloved children
in the world to rejoice, and glorify
Him both now and for eternity.