Wednesday December 26th
St. Stephen, first martyr
Jesus said to His Apostles, "… Do not worry about how to speak or what to say: what you are to say will be given you when the time comes. Because it is not you who will be speaking but the spirit of your Father will be speaking in you."
Matthew 10:16-18

Expect to receive opposition and hostility for the sake of truth. See how the Word of Life was opposed by many even as He spoke the words of truth to those He came to save. Even the uncommitted who are not hostile to the enlightened word will unite against the word of truth as they dimly perceive the glorious, painful challenge of the Way,

Take heart when things go contrary to hope, and know that at such times Our strong and loving Presence is there, within, before and behind. My Church has wisely honoured Stephen first of the saints and martyrs who witnessed to My saving love, and today through the whole world My faithful ones recall through him the costliness of love's response.

Joy is the reward of faithful witness to the word of truth and knowledge of the glory of the Eternal Word in the Presence of the Father. Let all who faithfully and lovingly live in the light and power of My Saving Name constantly partake of Stephen's insight, committing their whole selves to the glorious power of the Father's Presence, His truth proclaimed in all they are given to say.