Sunday, December 16th

Now is the time for the turning of the one and the many from those things which are not profitable and which build up neither the soul nor the community. And how is the individual and group to know what is profitable save by opening heart and mind to the Spirit of Truth and by following the lead which is always there to be found? So many of the Father's beloved children are without light and direction because they do not pursue those things which belong to their peace

But judgement is now, for the time will not come again. The opportunities for service and self-giving once past will not return. Time is not limitless, eternity, for ever. So let each and every beloved child of the Father offer himself now in loving surrender to the Father's purpose for him and for his world, and let each moment and activity be lived out in faithful, trusting offering of himself and of those with whom he associates and identifies. And as each so offers, so will each be sustained and progressed, for this is the Father's will and good purpose.

And at the end of time I present the faithful in love to the Father's joyful Presence there to rejoice in fellowship for evermore.