Sunday, December 2nd
Jesus said, "I tell you this, the present generation will live to see it all. Heaven and earth will pass away: My words will never pass away."
Luke 21:33

Although in time I lived and died and rose again, in every generation, community and person My Incarnation, death and risen life is known, experienced and lived by little or by much. The Father's Kingdom is never far from the meanest or most reprobate, My saving love awaits the slightest turn from evil or self-will. I am the Word the Father speaks continually to every one in His created world, and each and every one responds in some way by living, partly living or denying - by his deeds - the word of life So as My words and Presence bring life and living to all the Father's beloved children so do His children pronounce themselves worthy or unworthy to progress into the realms of endless joy. And this is judgement. In and through My Saving love do all progress, Our Holy Blessed Spirit leading and enlightening, the Father ever-gloriously surrounding.

The human span of life is short, each moment pregnant with potential for the soul's growth and progress. Let there be love, then, with commitment to the Father's will, that I may lead the faithful to His glorious Presence.