Sunday, December 23rd
The angel said to Mary, "…..the Child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God"
Luke 1:35

As the Father is so is the Son. The absolute holiness of the Father is one and the same as the holiness of the Son and of the blessed and glorious Spirit. All are one in holiness.

When in the fulness of time the Son of the Most High entered the world of humankind to fulfil the Father's loving purpose in the light and power of the blessed and glorious Holy Spirit , the spirit and power of holiness was made available to all who responded to the word of Love Incarnate in their hearts and minds.

I am the Word of Love Incarnate. Existing with the Father before the worlds were created in the glory and the power of the Spirit, in time I entered the world of men to challenge, purify and sanctify and offer a way to the perfection of love. Each and every child of the Father whoever lived I tend and train and challenge, purify, restore and perfect according to the response afforded Me. Time is not in the Father's loving embrace. Judgment is that which each and every beloved child of the Father's love pronounces on himself by reason of his choice of attitude and action.

Respond in love and loving service and holiness will be My gift and love's fulfilment.