Saturday, August
Forgiveness is the core of sanctity:
love requires complete forgiveness
of others. As you have known the
deep, healing, forgiving love of
your Heavenly Father through the
sacrifice of My life's blood so
must radically forgive each and
every one of those who have hurt
or failed you. So do you contribute
to their health, healing and wholeness.
And this operates for those who
have passed into fuller life in
the Nearer Presence quite as much
as for those still on earth.
So when you pray for forgiveness,
as you are forgiven, think on these
things, and pray that the quality
of your love may grow to such an
extent that you forget even that
there was need for your forgiveness.
So will your holiness be progressed.
Care more and more deeply for others
- their needs and well-being. Love
them into wholeness and holiness
so that you appear together in the
Father's Presence.