Tuesday, August 1st
Jesus said, "Listen, anyone who has ears: You are the salt of earth
…….you are the light of the world"
Matthew 5:13, 14

You, the redeemed and sanctified, are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. But the purifying and the lighting originate not with you but through your Heavenly Father and His loving power vested in Me for all times and people. So you must rejoice and thank your Heavenly Father that you receive it and pray without ceasing that others may be purified and sanctified and illumined through you. But always remember that you are the privileged agent, not the source of that which is accomplished through you.

Listen to the song of love which is constantly being sung in the universe which the Father created for joy. Listen to the response which many are making and look to identify with that response in joyful solidarity.

Look for the silence of eternity which the faithful seek to experience and penetrate. Share with those who find peace which passes knowledge and so strengthen the witness of Father's children who have advanced in knowledge and understanding in the world of light.

Listen to the cry of the lonely, the sad, the hurt and the wanderers. Look to see the Father's will for them and pray that My loving presence with them may be illumined by your faithful, committed love.