Friday, August
Let this be a sign of the power
of Our Holy Spirit acting to promote
the Father’s Kingdom on earth,
and let it be a challenge to every
single person to take each his part
in creating.
How shall this be done but by each
and everyone addressing himself
to the highest that he knows and
seeking to be faithful to it ? For
those with a lively faith in the
Father’s love and loving purpose
let there be a coming together in
praise and thanksgiving for the
glorious world and all the benefits
bestowed upon them. Let them commit
themselves to correcting what is
amiss , to restoring all that has
been devalued . And let there be
heart-searching, with loving action,
to remedy the injustices which have
come about in the tenure of the
earth and its goods.
If these things are done and with
dispatch and total self-giving so
that the Father’s Kingdom
is promoted on earth, His children
loved and cared for, then there
will be peace and prosperity the
world over. But if selfishness and
self-seeking prevail and disregard
of the Father’s loving purpose,
there will be such holocaust in
the world as cannot even be imagined
, and the very earth itself will
be destroyed.