Thursday, August
Commit yourself and all those you
love to the care and protection
of your Heavenly Father and all
will be well. Have faith and confidence
as you continually do this, that
the protection of the Most High
will be upon you and on all for
whom you pray, and the light of
Our Holy Spirit will illuminate
and guide. So let go all anxiety,
receiving with joy and thanksgiving
all that comes to you daily.
You will not be in any doubt, however,
that pain will be mingled with the
joy, for that is the inevitable
way for the children of the Kingdom.
But pain and sorrow, rightly accepted
and borne, are the birth pangs of
the life in the spirit and of the
salvation of the whole creation
Receive today as it has been prepared
for you and as you have prepared
for it. Know that it is well and
all will be well. Relax into joy
and happy anticipation. Whatever
goes contrary for you or for others
accept as opportunities to strengthen
your resistance to contrary forces.
Let Our peace be with you and flow,
through you, to others.