Monday, December 9th
Baruch 5:1-9. Philippians 1:4-6,8-11. Luke 3:1-6 UL

Integrity is the power and the peace and glory of the Lord of all given to all continuing faithful in His love and obedient to His word. Love is the means and fulfilment of His loving purpose in all creation.

It is the will and loving purpose of the Most High, Lord of all and Father of all born into His world to bring His beloved sons and daughters into His glorious Presence in time and eternity. Dimly in time they perceive His beauty, power and glory in the natural world and the in the loveliness of His creation, increasingly as they allow the spirit of Our redeeming, sanctifying love to come into their hearts and minds more and more until they come to the fulness of Our Eternal Kingdom.

Prepare a way in your heart and mind, you who have not yet received the Lord of All into the centre of your being, and all who have opened and received make ready your whole being that you may identify and learn the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will and respond to it in and through the grace and power of Our indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.