Monday, December 3rd
1 Corinthians 9:16-19. 22-25. Mark 1:29-39

The living loving Word of the Most High has spoken to every child of man since the beginning and He speaks to each one from their beginning until the end.

I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and His Incarnate Love entered in His created world, identified with human life with and through My birth, My life, My death and risen life bring all who are in Me and I in them to the fulness of eternal life and the glorious Presence of the Most High, father of one and all in His world.

And through each one who lives in Me and I in them I bring others to the Kingdom of eternal life and light and love according to the Father’s will and loving purpose as they continue faithful in the Way.

I, beloved and loving Son of the Father the saving, suffering Son of Man, heal and make whole and holy all who seek the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will in and through the grace and power of Our saving, sanctifying love.