Sunday, December 8th
Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26. Matthew 9:35-10:8

All that you have is given you by your heavenly Father – I speak to every one. Honour Him, glorify Him in your heart and mind and thank Him. As you listen for and to His word and respond in the grace and power of His love so is it given you to know His will and do it in and through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit – as you continue faithful in the Way.

The Father seeks to give eternal life to each and every one of His beloved sons and daughters and He calls one and all and all together to love and serve Him in His world according to His will and loving purpose. I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son am the Way to and in eternal life, sent to His world to give eternal life to all who seek it, and authorised to empower His beloved sons and daughters to bring healing to all to whom We send them and witness to the Father’s all-embracing and fulfilling love.

‘This is the way, follow it’ in and through the grace and power of Our love and the light ad lead of Our Holy Spirit.