Thursday, December 20th
Isaiah 7:10-14. Luke 1:20-38

The will and loving purpose of the Most High is for His beloved sons and daughters to receive and make the bedrock of their life and living through obedience to His word in the grace and power of His love. Your loving heavenly Father brings you to the fulness of His loving purpose for you as you are obedient and faithful in His love.

So it was for My beloved mother, faithful and obedient to the end. Through her obedience and faithfulness and the power of the Most High the Eternal Word entered human life and brought the human into the divine through Love’s indwelling. And the created world has the potential of re-creation through The Word Made Flesh.

The Father has put into the hearts and minds of His beloved sons and daughters the potential and the power of His beloved Son, calling them to respond to his Eternal Word that they may grow in Love and fulfil His will and loving purpose for and in them. I, His Word and Love Incarnate am the Way, the Truth, the Life.