Thursday, December 13th
Isaiah 41:13-20. Matthew 11:11-15

Be strong, beloved sons and daughters of the Most High: have faith in the enabling and empowering of Him who loved you into being. Will He not continue holding you in the hollow of His hand and provide all that is necessary for your continued progress in the Way? Be comforted and strengthened in the certain faith that the good purpose of His perfect will is fulfilled in all who look to him in faith and trust and self-giving.

Continually and constantly pray that prophetic word be increasingly heard and responded to in the Father’s world. It calls for preparation of the heart and mind in humility and love to receive the Supreme Gift of the Father to His world – His beloved and loving Son who became His word and His incarnate love in the world of his creation.

Freely the gift is offered to every one of the sons and daughters of the Most High and it costs not less than everything. As the Son of Man sought the Father’s will and loving purpose even to the end so are all followers in the Way called, enabled and empowered in the grace and power of our redeeming sanctifying love.