Tuesday, December 11th
Isaiah 40:`-11. Matthew 18:12-14

I, beloved and loving Son of the Most High, His Word and Love Incarnate, came into His world to become and be His love in them and bring all responding to His Presence in time and through eternity. And I progress in eternal life all continuing faithful in the Way.

Each one who strays I follow, seek, and when I find bring joyfully to the Father and the safety and security of the fold. But all are free to come or to wander aimlessly and dangerously outside the fold if they so choose. I continually and constantly seek and call and shall until the end of time.

The Most High, father of each and every one born into His world, has done everything in His power to make ready His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love for His beloved sons and daughters and provided for their return when they stray. – as they are willing.

Let one and all rejoice and thank and glorify Him who calls them to His Presence and pray that the good purpose of His perfect will be done in and through them .

I am the Good Shepherd and the Door of the Sheepfold and I come that all may have life in abundance.