Sunday, December 23rd
Micah 5:1-4. Hebrews 10:5-10. Luke 1:39-45

Let not the sons and daughters of the Father’s love awake too late to the call and challenge of His word and the reward of their response – or lack of it. All are free to choose or to refuse the glorious heritage the Most High yearns to bestow on every one of His beloved sons and daughters. But the Prize of their high calling must be desired and sought, accepted and made the linchpin of their life and living.
And that Prize is the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate: the will and loving purpose of the Most High is fulfilled in all who receive Incarnate Love into their being and – receiving - are made whole and holy in and through the grace and power of Love’s indwelling as they continue faithful in Our love.

Even so did My beloved Mother receive and respond to the power and joy of her high calling and through her obedience and the entry of the Holy One into her very being opened up the way to life eternal and the glorious Presence of the Lord of All in time and through eternity.