Friday, December 21st
Song of Songs 2:8-14. Luke 1:35-45

The Father seeks, the Son seeks and so does Our Holy Spirit. The Father gives through His beloved Son, Our Holy Spirit binds all responding both to the Father in the grace and power of Our Love and to one another; and the Father’s Word Incarnate saves and brings all faithful in Our love to perfection and fulfilment. Let hearts and minds be open to this glorious truth and respond in faith and trust and absolute self-giving.

Seek and you will find. Ask and you will be given the means and power to receive and give and follow in the steps of the Son of Man, led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

This is the open secret offered to every one of the Father’ beloved sons and daughters in every place and race and time. ‘No-one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son who is close to the Father’s heart who has made him known’, (John 1:18.)