Saturday, February 7th
1 Corinthians 3:18-end

I have loved you from the beginning with the love the Father gave Me to love into existence the minds and hearts of man and to redeem and save His whole creation. Such love requires response for its fulfilment and perfection and We are at the centre of all right motivation and of all things good and true and of good report. So are We the sum of all that is or was or ever shall be that witnesses to love's perfection and fulfilment.

Wisdom is profound simplicity and it is the Heavenly Father's gift to all who earnestly seek in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. I am the Father's Advocate and I bring each faithful follower to the Father's Presence at the end of time, redeemed and sanctified through My redeeming love and through the light and power of our Holy Spirit, every revelation of the truth in faith both individual and corporate. Acknowledged or unrecognised by faithful followers I am The Way, The Truth, The Life.