Friday, February 12th
Mark 7:31-35

The Father's healing and enwholing is available to all who earnestly seek it. Have I not shown in My incarnate life that all things work for good, for those who ask receive, and all who seek the Father's will are brought into the way of finding it. I am the Father's Agent in creation and in re-creation, and through My saving love all seeking their perfection and the Father's loving purpose are brought along the way to their perfection. For those whom I have redeemed Our Holy Spirit sanctifies.

And as the deaf are given the power to hear, the dumb to speak through the power of Our healing and receiving, so are the spiritual ears of the faithfully committed enabled to receive the teaching which the Father yearns to give. I am His Word Incarnate, the power of his love. And I reveal the Father's love and power through all who live in Me and in them, according to the measure of their faithfulness.