Saturday, February 27th
Jesus said to Levi, " Follow Me…..I came to call sinners to repentance
Luke 5:27-32

All this I say to every child whoever lived or ever will until the end of time. The Father breathed the breath of life into His marvellous universe and I gave orientation and the power to find and follow to His beloved children as it is desired and sought: Our Holy Spirit lights and guides each one along the way.

All who obey and follow find their growth and progress through faithfulness in My redeeming love. And there is constant need for watchfulness, for prayer and willingness to seek forgiveness as their faithfulness reveals their faults and failings and shortcomings.

The joy of penitence and peace no one can know until he has discovered and experienced it. And I who have identified the sickness in the faithful follower give healing as penitence is shown, confession made and new intention offered for faithful following. I keep all in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him who calls them to perfection in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.