Wednesday, February 3rd
Mark 1:14

Let the Good News be proclaimed by what you do and what you are becoming. The blueprint of every soul whoever lived or ever will is in the Father's hands. Before time was He lovingly designed it, down countless ages He has brought it forth. Each child of man was loved into existence, each one is held within the hollow of his hand. But He has given freedom to the sons of men, and freedom leads to wholeness or to that perversity and fragmentation of the soul and of community which separates and, in the end, destroys.

And for this cause and reason the Father suffered Me, His Well beloved, to enter human life and to become His redeeming love to every child of man who sought the way of faithfulness and perfection. And through My life and death and resurrection each may become a living part of His eternal Kingdom. All that is necessary is for the earnest seeker after truth to offer heart and mind in service of the truth presented at his soul's centre. For there Our Holy Spirit waits to fire and to inspire all committed to the cause of truth and of self-giving love.