Sunday, February 28th

Since he Himself has passed through the test of suffering He is able to help all those who are meeting their test now.
Hebrews 2

Love is a refining fire and all who live in love are constantly brought closer to the Source of it. The offering of the total self to Total Love involves a stripping down of non-essentials so that Our saving, sanctifying love may lead and train the soul into the way designed for it before time was that it may find fulfilment and perfection in the glorious Presence of the Father. This is the proper business of all life on earth, and it involves each individual in his aloneness and community. The process of enlivening and enloving which life in Us enables and progresses both builds the faithful follower and constitutes a means through which Our life and light enables and progresses others.

All this involves the willingness to walk in faith and trust and love whate'er the circumstance and outcome. Real life is challenging and often painful: this needs must be. But out of pain and sadness may come new birth and the strengthening and perfecting of love. I have passed through human life Myself, and through My death and resurrection life I offer strength to all who follow faithfully.