Saturday, February 6th

Grace is the Father's love in action: I am the power of love and Love itself. I, the Father's Word and Love Incarnate, seek out each child of man that he may grow into that perfect image and reflection of the Father's love through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit according to the Father's will and loving purpose. Our redeeming, sanctifying love brings every faithful follower into fulfilment and the Father's glorious Presence at the end of time.

Our power to seek and save and sanctify was given by the Father before time was. Down countless ages light was given and received by faithful seekers after truth in countless generations. For a brief moment in the history of man the light shone fully, the truth was fully given and life was fully lived by One who was and is the power of love and Love itself. That light and life and truth is offered to every child of man whoever lived, in time and through eternity. Through faith and love and trust all is accomplished: such is the Father's will and loving purpose. For this I gave My life and give it constantly and ceaselessly. Believe, accept and follow.