Sunday, February 14th
2 Corinthians 12:1-10

All life and light and power for action come from the Father. And they are given that His beloved creation comes to the knowledge of His tremendous loving purpose and becomes a part of it. The natural world fulfils His will because He has ordained it : so it obeys His laws according to His will and purpose.

To man the Father gives the freedom to determine his obedience, whether to the natural self or to the Reality of Love. Love gives the greater freedom in the end and life eternal in the presence of All Love and of All Being. But the only way is through the redemption of the natural self and an offering of the mind and heart and will to the loving heavenly Father. The way is through My saving love and through the sanctifying of Our Holy Spirit. I make My home within the soul of each and every one who generously invites Me. And from the centre of the willing soul I counter influences alien to the nature of Eternal Love and build that beloved of the Father into the fullness and perfection He designed for it from the beginning.