Saturday, February 20th
Luke 9:36

Let all creation pause to listen to the silence of the Universe. And let that silence be the means of discovering the wonder and the glory and the tremendous love of Him who has created all things. And in the silence of eternity The Eternal Word moves, continuously communicating and presenting the substance and the essence of All Being and All Loving. Al created beings who share the ability to react to the wonder and the glory and the love of their Creator are brought to their fulfilment and perfection as they identify with their Creator.

I came to earth to offer Our redeeming, sanctifying love to perfect, to complete and to fulfil the Creator-Father's glorious loving purpose for His created world. In time and through eternity the process moves, and all is being gathered in to the Great Continuum of love which gives itself to Love's great purpose.

Let every child of man listen to the silence of the Universe: as each approaches it I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, teach, cleanse and nourish with the Father's word and love all who pursue their way in trust and faithfulness.