Friday October 5th
Jesus said, "Anyone who listens to you listens to Me, anyone who rejects you rejects Me, and those who reject Me reject the One who sent Me,"
Luke 10:16

Know and work to understand that the Father's world is one in essence and in substance. The law of love which governs the whole of created and uncreated being pervades all things and all that thinks and breathes. Only the wilfulness of persistent opposition to that which is found at the heart's centre can drive out the presence of Love's Being.

Yet there must be constant moving forward into new and more refined manifestation of human being as light and life are given: the life which brings the child into the world gives place to that which brings him to the threshold of the Father's Kingdom. But as he responds to light and life, as it is offered, so is he liberated and empowered for growth in time and eternity. I work from within, increasingly known as the face and power of light and love. I renew, console, restore and lead according to the measure of trust and faithfulness.

And from that centre in each and every child I reach out to the world of human being in the one and the many. And as I minister within and without so am I received or rejected. So it is that anyone who listens and hears and rejects the light of life and truth and love.