Wednesday October 10th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Say this when you pray, 'Father, may Your Name be held holy …. Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive each one who is in debt to us. And do not put us to the test.'"
Luke 11:2-4

Daily, hourly pray that the Father may be honoured and His Name held holy in the hearts and minds of His beloved children the world over. In so doing not only is He known and glorified: by such is perfected and fulfilled, through My Saving Love, His will and loving purpose for mankind.

And as each child honours His Name and seeks to know and obey His will, so is the mind informed and heart purified, cleansed, and with will fortified in the light and power of Our Holy Spirit. And I, the Incarnate Love of the Father, increasingly make My home at the centre of the soul of the one and the many who love and honour the Father. And from that centre I continually work to purify the intent and unite the will and commitment with the Father's loving purpose.

Each one so orientated and possessed progresses and matures in the way of the Father's Kingdom, renewed, refreshed, and empowered by Our redeeming, sanctifying love.