Monday, October 29th
Jesus went out into the hills to pray. He spent the whole night in prayer
Luke 6:12

As the children of men progress from youth to age they fix the eyes of their soul on that which they desire to have and to become. And their being becomes that which they have sought and lived for. Those who refused the challenges of life and living and all who walked contrary to the way of light tragically confound the reality of their being and make their glorious human destiny of no effect.

But all who look with hope and intent, however frail and uncertain and stumbling that may be, are brought, through Love's action, to their true destiny.

And that destiny is the Presence of their Heavenly Father where joy abounds and where souls made perfect in My Saving Love rejoice for evermore and share continually in My loving, redeeming work.

To strike the path to this great destiny there must be a turning for each and every one. And from that turning the eyes must continually be set on the goal and vision of all life and living on earth and in Heaven. The souls which progress in wholeness and holiness are those which progress in prayer and self-giving. Quiet disposition of the soul must daily be sought.