Thursday October 18th
St. Luke the Evangelist
The Lord appointed seventy-two others, and sent them out ahead of Him, in pairs, to all the town He was to visit. He said to them, "Whenever you go into a town where they make you welcome, cure those who are sick, and say, 'the Kingdom of God is very near to you."
Luke 10:1-12

All the Father's beloved children are appointed to serve Him in the World He has created for them. And at the end of time He will call each one to account, lovingly requiring them to offer to Him the fruits of their progress and achievements in what they have become and done, and I shall be present to justify and perfect.

All are called to grow into that which the Father lovingly designed before time was, and to accomplish, in and through Our saving, sanctifying love, that which the Father appoints. And the one is integrally a part of the other.

And as all are called to become and to serve, so are thy required to receive, one from the other. For in receiving, as in becoming and doing, they are growing into that uniqueness and perfection which the Father has designed for each.

All may perceive the frontiers of the Kingdom either surrounding or challenging them. And all contained by the Father's Kingdom are continually challenged by Our saving love to become the means by which the challenged are contained.