Tuesday, November 8th
Jesus said to the man born blind , "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
He answered, "Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him ?"
Jesus said to Him, "You have seen Him and it is He who speaks to you".
And he said, "Lord, I believe". And he worshipped Him.

John 9:35-38

The Son of Man is the Father's beloved , sent into the world at his own request to save and to sanctify the children of men. And who are the children of men save the children of the Father, created by him to inhabit, develop and enjoy the earth which is given them to inhabit.

And because, in the process of development of the souls of men and of the earth they inhabit corrosion and moribund features arose the Son of Man challenged the forces of evil and of death by living on the Father's world inhabited by humankind, by dying in self-immolation, and rising gloriously and triumphantly as the first fruit of all the children of men in the Father's Kingdom of earth and Heaven.

So the Son of Man became the saviour of men. And through that process the children of men may become the sons of God, sanctified children of the Father in and through my saving love and in the power of our holy, life -giving

Rejoice then you sons and daughters of God in growth and training. Become what you are destined to be, and by your loving obedience and faithfulness to the light of life bestowed upon you, the Son of Man will draw others to himself and to the destiny which the Father has purposed for them, in the joy of his everlasting kingdom.