Friday, November 18th
Jesus said, "Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you."
John 12:35

Countless thousands of the Father's children are content to turn aside from the light which is offered them and consequently perceive neither point nor purpose in life save their own apparent well being. And they become confused and lost, seeing neither landmarks nor consequence in their journey. Having jettisoned the hope that is in them, they wander aimlessly through their days in unfulfilled and purposeless living.

But have I not said to the children of the Father, of all times and places, that I have come that they might have life, and have it in increasing abundance? I am the light of the world, ministering openly in healing and illuminating and guiding those who call me Lord by the power of Our Holy Spirit. But I minister, too, in the hearts and minds of those who do not know My Name, yet love and serve their Heavenly Father in the reflection of that light which lights every person who is born into the world.

The child of the Father who consciously sins and truly seeks forgiveness is progressing in the way of eternal life. But he who sins but extinguishes the light which convicts him of that sin is in deadly peril of walking in that darkness which leads to the loss of his true self. Let no one underestimate the deadly consequences of this loss. Let everyone of the Father's loving and committed children pray in me for the same.