Sunday, November 6th
Jesus said, "Verily, verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am"
John 8:58

I am the joy at the heart of creation, and I call all the children of the Father to rejoice in and through Me . And I charge My loving, committed children to enjoy the world Our Father has created and to enjoy each other in and through Me.

And I charge them to join with Me in the act of creation which continues through My love and the power of Our Holy Spirit, to join in the dance of perpetual joy which I initiated at the creation of the world, and to bring into the joyful dance those who are separated and those who have fallen.

Let not the contingency of suffering and sadness detract from the underlying rhythm of joy. As the psalmist has written, "sadness prevails for a season but joy comes in the morning". My committed, loving ones rejoice in Me despite the sadness and pain, and sometimes even because of it. For do not pain and sorrow unite them with Me in the perpetual act of redemption?

I am the joy at the heart of creation. Let all join in the en-joying of the universe with the Father, with Out Holy Spirit and My saving love.