Friday, November 4th
Jesus spake again to them and said, "I am the Light of the World. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life
John 8:12

There is light enough for every child of the Father . No-one is ever deprived of it though each may reject it. And as it is accepted , welcomed and used to perceive the way its power increases to become infused into the darkest places, and it gives insights into the most subtle and profound truths. It is the heart which is primarily enlightened, the mind instructed by it in this respect. This is what men call 'inspired intuition'. So each man, woman and child has light enough to become and do that which is given him to become - "a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of God.

To attain to this destiny each must progress on the shoulders of the other : all must unite in a chain of fellowship and love. This perfection is found in the life of the Nearer Presence though some few attain it on earth. And in some measure it is present in the lives of communities and groups dedicated to truth and goodness.

Each child of the Father - that is every single human being - is called so to reflect the light which bestowed upon him that he reveals the glory and the beauty of the Father, his own spiritual health and well-being , and the light whereby his fellowmen may profit.