Wednesday, November 30th
"…that where I am there you may be also"
John 14:3

Know, in such time as remains to you in the Kingdom of the Father on earth, the joyful pain and the painful joy in identifying in the work of salvation. Those count themselves as My faithful followers and whom I shall count as My friends on the last day are those of the Father's children who have been awake with Me in Gethsemane , shared the desolation and loneliness of My arrest, trial and journey to the cross, stood alongside the searing hours as I travelled to death and beyond.

Those are My friends who suffer now in the pain of my world, who allow Me to save in and through them by their dying daily to self and by caring in such depth for the well-being and salvation of those both near and far that I can and do minister, tend, heal and save through their hearts and minds and lives.

Where I am there shall also My servant be, and My rightful place in the cosmic purpose of the loving Heavenly Father is at His side, presiding in joy with all His redeemed and sanctified children. But those children will have learned as they journeyed along the often painful but rewarding path of life that their joy was enhanced and ever shall be by the measure of their identification of themselves in the pain as well as the pattern and purpose; for in that close identification they shared in the very essence of humanity and my saving work.